Sunday, June 12, 2011

Signs of the Times

Have you noticed there is alot of talk lately about the second coming of Christ?  I am by no means an expert on Biblical prophesy, but I have to admit, there sure seems to be alot of things falling into place.  Now I really have no idea if Christ will return as I am writing this blog, or in another 1,000 years from now.  The point is nobody knows.  Jesus Christ himself said He didn't know.  The angels don't know.  God the Father is the only one who knows the appointed time.  Jesus did give us things to watch for, and events that would transpire prior to the rapture of His church.  He equated them to birthing pains.  Signs that it's coming.  Now birthing pains happen pretty close to delivery.  I remember when my wife was pregnant with our two children.  The pregnancies were one thing, birthing pains were quite another.  As an expecting father I was excited at the prospect of my children, but I was kinda out of the loop.  My wife was the one carrying this thing that was growing inside her.  She could feel it growing, it was a part of her.  I saw her belly grow, I felt the kicks from the outside, but all along felt very disconnected from the whole process.  Maybe some of you fathers out there can relate.  It all changed however once the "birthing pains" began.  All of the sudden I was faced with the reality that in a few short hours I was going to be face to face with the reality of fatherhood.  This was no longer a distant "thing" growing inside my wife, but a living breathing child that I could hold in my hands.  All of the sudden what was once distant became very close and very personal.

This is similar to how I feel right now about the return of Christ.  As I was growing up I knew he would return, but that has been in the works for over 2,000 years.  Just like watching my wife's pregnancy develop, I knew it was there, but it was not part of my reality.  Now that I am seeing the "signs of the times" as indicated in the gospels and revelation, all of the sudden the reality is kicking in that very soon I may find myself face to face with my Lord and Savior.

Imagine for a moment you know for a fact; tomorrow morning at 9:00am CST, the trumpet will sound and Christ will return to claim His chosen.  As a believer, the show is over, close your book and put your pencils down...  How do you feel?  Excited?  Happy?  Sad?  Scared?  To be completely honest with you, I'm a little bit of each.  Being able to see the second coming of Christ is pretty cool, I don't care who you are.  I do however find myself a bit fearful and apprehensive.  Now I am a human being, and the fear of the unknown is pretty common for us as a whole.  The reality of life as I know it completely coming to an end is a bit unsettling.  This is a fear that can be overcome by faith.  If we believe the Bible, we are told "No eye has seen, no ear has heard what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him".  Think about it, the Creator of this planet & universe, the One who invented everything pure that your heart truly loves (sunsets, mountains, thunderstorms, waterfalls, holding hands, first kisses, adventure, beauty, love, sleeping in, babies and their cute little feet, Fat Tire Beer - maybe not that..., etc., etc., etc.) is basically telling us, you haven't seen anything yet.  I'm going to absolutely blow-your-mind...  So what is left to be anxious about if by faith I'm convinced heaven will be better than this life?  I'm going to share something personal to me that may a least give you some insight into what another believer struggles with in this area.  A couple of years ago as I was in devotion and prayer, really in the worst valley of my life, struggling with alot of questions, alot of hurts and fear and I felt I was just not "getting it".  The promises in the Bible did not seem to apply to me, I was not feeling sanctification in my heart or my life.  I read the devotion from Oswald Chambers - My Utmost for His Highest; July 22, 2009.  This was my journal entry for that day:

MUFHH - Sanctification - Journal Entry: July 22, 2009

"For Sanctification to take place, we must die before we can live; whoever tries to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for the sake of Christ will gain it."

This is what it all comes down to.  This is one of the big things the father has been leading me to.  Am I willing to be myself and nothing more?  To simply be ready for death? - this part spoke to me.  If Jesus were to return today, what in my heart makes me fear that, or be sad about it?  These are the things I am still fighting to hold on to, and not submitting to Christ.  This could be big...

What am I still holding on to?
  1. Confidence and hope in myself, and the life I long for...
  2. All the adventures I still hope to have in my life.
  3. Finally finding a sense of purpose and direction in my life.  To find and do what I was created for and meant to accomplish.
  4. The hope that someday I will matter...and to be more than I am.
  5. I don't feel like I've earned it yet.  The fear of it all ending before I ever get started... *this may be it! 
#6 through #17 are a little too personal, but they all fit the same theme here...

The fear and sadness and regret of it all coming to an end before I ever get started.  My plans, my dreams, my ambitions, my hope, my worthiness, Me.  Me.  Me.  Can I let go of everything and just accept the fact that God loves me in spite of myself.  That the fact that I get to go to Heaven has absolutely nothing to do with me and what I think I've done to earn it, but only on what Christ has done on my behalf.  Can I just accept this gift?   

Matthew 16:24-25 "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it."

And there it is...  My Prayer; Lord Jesus, please forgive me and strengthen me to real repentance not based on my success, obedience and accomplishments, but only on You alone and what You did for me on the cross.  In all the world Lord Jesus, there is only you...Only you.

There is nothing left for me to do.  I have already been made complete in Christ!

John 6:28-29 "Then they asked him, 'what must we do to do the work God requires?'  Jesus answered, 'the work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.'"

Pride is a big problem for me.  I live in a world where you only get what you work for and deserve.  How do I get my head around not earning my own salvation?  And yet that is exactly what Christ is asking us to do.  By thinking we have anything to do with our acceptance into God's family takes away from the true, pure and perfect sacrifice that Christ made for us on the cross.  I have to remind myself of this daily.  It is so contrary to our worldview.  As Christains however we should be influenced not by the world, but by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit for those who are in Christ. 

So, do you really want a "heart check"?  I challenge you to get alone with God, and ask yourself with the help of the Holy Spirit; "if Christ were to return tomorrow, how does that make me feel and why do I feel that way?"  Write it down.  Take the time to get it all out.  If done prayerfully and honestly, it will really help reveal what you are holding on to apart from Christ Jesus in your life.  What do you need to let go of in order to say with complete confidence and honesty; "in all the world Lord Jesus, there is only you...Only you."

In Christ,


*Friend, I originally started this blog to create some open and honest dialogue with my brother's and sister's in Christ.  Being a Christian in today's world is very difficult, and you can easily feel isolated and disconnected and over time lose heart because you feel as if you are fighting the battle alone.  If you find yourself reading this and are not sure about the promises of the Bible, or do not know Jesus Christ personally and want to learn more, I want you to know that I would love to talk to you.  I can be reached at my Gmail account (, and would love to answer any questions I can for you, or point you to some resources that may help you get started on your journey.